Sunday, January 21, 2007

Save Childhood

Indian Government has ultimately issued a notification of banning employment of children as domestic servants or workers, and as helpers in dhabas, restaurants, hotels, tea shops, resorts, spas and other recreational centres with effect from October, 2005 under the Child Labor (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986; violators are liable to prosecution under the Act. This step would perhaps save many children from exploitation.

My Thoughts

There is no hopeless situation. If you have critics around you it’s good for you. Your citric is your best guide. You can improve upon your deficiencies. Nobody in this world is perfect, every body has his/her own plus and minus. Its up to you how you see those plus and minus. Meet every adverse circumstance as its master and do not let it master you. Many men owe the grandeur of their lives to their tremendous difficulties. Adversity is the prosperity of the great. Kites rise, not with, but against the wind. To dare is great but to bear is greater. Face the situation, however difficult, with courage, conviction and boldness and you would definitely succeed. To err is human and we may at times commit mistakes and suffer setbacks. But a wise and positive individual learns and benefits, not only from his own mistakes, but also from those of others.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Courage is victory and timidity is defeat. If you are not afraid you can do anything. You have to have the courage to stand up to defeat, find out the opportunity and turn defeat into victory. Failure can verily be the stepping stone to success, if you put failure to work for you. Continuous effort in itself implies the power to rise. Our greatest glory is in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. If you have never failed, it is an easy guess that you have never known a high success. The hardest man in the world to beat is the man who laughs in the face of defeat.

Friday, January 19, 2007

True Love

True love pulls others through, carries them over, looks beyond. It knows no boundaries and it never runs out. If you believe in true love i.e. you don’t’ have any materialistic desires in love, you are loving someone with no intention of getting anything in return, your reward will be greater than what you can imagine.

Kindness and courtesy can make an average person superior; indifference and lack of concern can make a superior person average. You are known by your deeds, not by how much you earn. Be wise; prioritize what you need to do. You have only one life to live. Live for others. Do what makes others happy. Forget the past; it's dead and gone. Live for the future; it's alive and full of potential.

He is there

Stop and reflect on one of nature’s small but intricate beauties- a child, or a flower, or a butterfly, or a bird. If God cared enough to perfect each of these creations of His, surely He cares for you too. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. You need not worry. He is there to take care of your problems.

Ozone Pollution

Scientists have revealed that ozone pollution is not only bad for the environment, but can also extensively damage the human heart. The recent study shows that ozone reacting with cholesterol produces atheronals, which are found in fatty plaques that cause diseased arteries to narrow.Researchers believe that ozone is generated in body when white blood cells attack the cholesterol that is accumulated on artery walls. Though, it is yet to be ascertained whether inhaled ozone contributes to heart diseases, scientists do not rule out the possibility of atmospheric ozone forming atheronals in lungs, which could then make their way to the arteries damaging them.